Rock n’ Roll 2019

This year we joined the Baumers again for the annual Rock n’ Roll Marathon and like usual, it did not disappoint!

What used to be an annoying part of a weekend where the roads are shut down and you can’t get where you want to go, has now become a day long party that started at 6am this year. Why 6? Well because many months ago, we decided that we needed some friends to run in the marathon so we had someone to cheer on. The only issue is that only the full marathon course goes by the Baumer’s house, not the half course. And all of our running buddies were not up for committing to the full marathon.

So what else to do than create our own course.

And thus was born the “Tour de Baumers – Almost A-Hole Half Marathon” (yes we made our own shirts – thanks to PW). Which is exactly 11.8 miles into the full marathon course. PW and several buddies ran the Tour de Baumer,  the women decided that they couldn’t stop at 11.8 miles and so they waved as they ran on to the 13 mile marker, then doubled back for come celebrating.

Cutest unofficial water station evah.


Look at him just two years ago


Two years ago, we jokingly offered a beer to a runner. Who promptly drank the whole thing. Now the men hand out beer in cups – this guy was the first one of the day to come over to chug a full beer. img-0843

Crossing the finish line! We had medals too.


You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning….


June 2017

This isn’t *quite* where I left off, but it’s close and there’s always a lot going on so here goes.

June 2017 was a typical for us – nutty. It’s always filled with camp, swim team, birthdays, our anniversary and prepping for vacation. It’s jam packed, flies by and is always a ton of (hot) fun.

This is pretty much where we were if we weren’t in someone else’s pool….Also, you’ve never seen anyone happier than PW when Sylvia the Swan finally flew away in a monsoon.


Case in point:

Also it was clearly the year of enormous floats.


This sweet little lady turned 8. EIGHT! This one really threw me for a loop. The slippery slope to 10. And then she’s driving. And off to college. I tell both of them at night, I squish their head and their feet so they stop growing so fast.


And in true Wand style, you get two parties; one on your actual birthday with family with a cake of your choice; this year she went for my triple yellow cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting. What it lacks in beauty, it makes up for in taste! (Also it was like 110 degrees and even in ac, butter melts so)….


…and one insane party with all your friends.

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I don’t know why she’s mad, but those eyes kill me.


Someone else celebrated 35 years (😲)


And we had friends celebrate birthdays in June too – including Abby who turned 8 right after B. Her amazing mom channeled her love of Target into a theme. And Target happily hosted it!! It was so much fun.


There was a lot of camp too. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous following these two in every day. Not pictured; the stupid amount of crap from the snack bar that they ate and I allowed because they must have burned off thousands of calories each day. Or because I’m lazy. Either way, they had a ball.

*Do you see Auggie’s little ankle bracelet? And all 24 of Baylor’s? This was the summer that B really got into making bracelets – like the kind you do with the #4 knot over and over. Needless to say, the nostalgia was awesome and we tied bracelets until our eyes crossed and fingers bled.


And for our annual trip to Montana, we decided that splitting up with me flying with the kids while Peter drove with Mac was really not all that much easier. It was expensive and took almost the same amount of time. So we decided to ALL drive to MT! I have to say, it actually went much better than anticipated. The kids were awesome and we made it in two days. No one puked, we didn’t kill each other or lose anything out of the back of the truck – overall, it was a success! The return trip however…well that’s a post for July.

There is also a 75 pound dog in this picture. He’s laying on the floor with about 2 feet total to his name. And he does it like the saint he is.


Aaaahh. The payoff of 18 hours and 1,100 miles of driving:




A Conversation with Auggie

Me: Auggs, could you please get your shoes on? (Auggie runs out of room).

Auggie: (returns)


Me: Right. So about those shoes? And did you put jammies back on?!

Auggie: I’m Boots and Bonner!

Me: So I’m thinking we’re going to be late.

Auggie: Do you want a hat too??

Happy Birthday Baylor

I think it’s safe to say, 8 might be my favorite age.


This year has marked some big confidence growth for Miss. B. I didn’t see it coming so when it plopped down in front me, I was left in awe. Watching her stroll into the first swim team practice of the season like a seasoned professional – no tears, no arguments – and literally dive in, was amazing.

She waltzed into a new camp with the same attitude. I was intimidated by the other kids, but not Baylor. She was by far the kid with the least dance experience and sadly her mother’s gymnastic skills, and not only did that not stop her, she wasn’t fazed in the slightest. She happily danced along the way she wanted to and at the end of the week announced “camp was fine. But I like the way I dance better”.

I hope for the rest of your life, you always like the way you dance better, B Baby.

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Sibling Love

Driving to school yesterday, I was in my own head and trying to tune out the argument coming from the backseat about where someone’s stuff animal could sit and where someone’s backpack should go. But then after a minute of silence, I overheard this:

“Sissy. When you go the ballet next time with Grandma, can I go too?”

“Sure, buddy. I think you’re big enough now.”

“How big do you have to be??”


“Like how high is the stick??”

“………OH! Like on a ride at Disneyland?? No no, you don’t have to be tall. I mean OLD enough. You’re old enough. You can be any height, you just have to be able to stay up late!”

“Are you KIDDING me?! I can do THAT!”

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Happy New Year 2017!

Wowza. It feels like it was yesterday I was sitting here typing away and thinking about the past year. And yet there’s been a whole 365 days since I wrote this post about my resolutions for 2016. What a year it’s been!

My goals for 2016 were simply written, but given what we did this year, were not always easy to tackle! I wanted to 1. Have No Negative, 2. Have Less Noise and 3. I’ll Do Me. I think focusing on those things allowed me the time and space I needed to do the things I really wanted to do. Well, except one…

I failed miserably at the Less Noise part. It  was supposed to include no long term volunteer commitments for this school year which should have allowed me to just jump in where and when I wanted to. Instead I am Auggie’s class room mom, his soccer coach, was a committee member of the school auction and now the co-chair of the St.Mary’s Centennial Gala. So, yeah. I probably should have written “take on too much” and then when I did the opposite, it would have been helpful. But I have to say, it is all really good. I worked with and am working with people I love and while I was in no way qualified to be a soccer coach, we had an amazing time!


Given all those commitments, we were neck deep in remodeling our house. Which is one of the reasons my  posts here have been sporadic at best. More on the other reason to come. But for the house, here’s what we did in a nutshell:

We boxed up 3/4ths of our house

Moved out with the other 1/4 of crap

Gutted our house

Put it back together

Moved it all back in 6.5 months later

We are still finishing the final touches… for now. They say when you’re house is done, you die. So I guess the upside is that we’re going to live forever because the list of “phases” keeps growing. I think we’re on phase 15. With about 25 more to go…

from this…


To this in just 6ish months and many many dollars


Despite all the house craziness, we were able to get away a few times. We traveled separately and together and it was all awesome.







San Diego




One of my main goals for 2016 that I didn’t really write down was to start my writing business. It’s funny, I’m not where I thought I would be, but where I landed is so much better. I finally returned the email I wrote about last year. I negotiated a deal and started the freelance writing “course”. I worked through the exercises and geared up for my first call with the woman who wrote the course. I was so excited to hear her expertise and get her insight….and then she blew me off. And then rescheduled our call. And when we finally did get to talk, she yawned at my work. Like for real. It made me so mad that she was so dismissive of me and my goals – I never finished the course or contacted her for our next meeting. No Negative. See? I got one of them right.

And I’m so glad I did. Instead of moving forward with the course, I contacted friends. Friends who write, friends with small businesses, friends who are just damn good at being cheerleaders. I asked for their opinions, I made a few deals and I got busy writing. And it is awesome. I’ve made contacts and work seems to keep finding me (!) It’s a huge and exciting challenge, and  it makes my soul happy.

What’s in store for 2017? I think I’m going to keep working on that Less Noise part. And also:

  • Balance – How do you get it all done?? I have no idea, but I’m going to keep working on finding balance, maintaining balance, and most importantly and most difficult for me is letting a few things go in the name of balance.
  • Reconnect – It’s so easy to fall away from old friends when your lives take different paths. Even when your lives take the same path, there’s always something to distract us. This year will be a good year to reconnect with some friends and keep the momentum of contact going.
  • Keep thinking about and working towards Less Noise, No Negative and I’ll Do Me. I think those things got us pretty far in 2016. Here’s hoping 2017 is juuust a little quieter.


Happy Birthday(s)!!!

It’s once again birthday week in our house and what a week it was! We celebrated Peter’s 30something birthday and the Auggie boy’s 4th. It was jam packed with a friend birthday party, family brunch, family dinner and then the family party! Needless to say, we are wiped, stuffed, are over run with new toys and have way too much left over cake.

This guy. Where to start.

img_3475 Since the day he was born, just his presence gives my anxious self a sense of calm. He has the most expressive hands; they pat when they are happy – pat your back in a hug, pat his legs when he’s smiling or singing. His sweet hands wring when he’s nervous and they flap when he’s frustrated. You can always tell what he’s thinking by what his hands are up to.

And I think he may have gotten his momma’s imagination. He creates worlds to play in, sees bad guys to fight, fires to be extinguished and loves to design with Legos. His descriptions of what he thinks feels much bigger than a four year old’s thoughts. When describing how he felt listening to a sad song, he said “this makes me feel like I lost something, but I know I didn’t”!

Auggie boy, you bring endless happiness to our lives. I think 4 is going to be a great year and I can’t wait to see what the next 100 years bring!



And this guy.


I can’t tell you how lucky, blessed, fortunate – you name it, I am it – to call him ours. Always the supporter, cheerleader, listener. He’s first to deescalate a fight and always comes around to compromise. He is the very best dad, quick to encourage, motivate and love. Ever the dreamer, planner and socializer – he keeps our calendar packed. He’s always got the comeback that makes me laugh and the big hugs that let me know how loved I am.

Happy birthday PW and thank you for loving us!!



Missing June

Before I get into the fun we had in Montana, I neglected a few of the things we did in June this year. I normally do a post for B’s birthday, my birthday, our anniversary…and yet here we are, staring down the barrel of school starting and not a post to be seen.

In my defense, it’s been busy.

The house is coming along – you can actually see where the new walls are going to be. And with a whole new sewer line that runs through the entire house, we shouldn’t ever have to use the phrase “shitter’s full”. So there’s that.  This is all a long way of saying instead of blogging, I’ve be housing. Yes, it’s a verb. Ask anyone who has remodeled.

So, without further delay, the missing June posts.

Sweet Baylor turns Seven.

You, my gorgeous daughter, are by far the smartest, most challenging, loving and wonderful girl. Your potential will only ever be limited by your desire – you will move mountains.

I am so proud of the hard work you put into school, into making new friends, into learning to read and do math. I love your enthusiasm for swim team this summer and for your ability to conquer your fears. Your hustle for sports is growing and it’s amazing. You are so beautiful and your outer beauty is only eclipsed by your beautiful heart. Watching your faith in God grow and your kindness spread – especially to strangers in need – makes my heart happy.

Year six was a pretty amazing year. But I think seven is going to top it.



Love this kid. Gangsta face in a doughnut float.


The Momma turns Thirty Something….

So this is one of those birthdays that makes me feel old. Not as much physically, but the number is a little up there. However, I really really really like my birthday. So while the number can be a little shocking, I’m always grateful for one more year to celebrate. And having good health, a happy family, fantastic friends, a good wig and the realization of a few dreams while still having time to dream up new ones? Well that’s just the icing on the cake.


Also? This is the kind of old person I plan to be. Just bat shit crazy in the best way. Good news is that I think I’m already there. Check. Mark.


Happy Anniversary

Every year when I bring up our anniversary, Peter argues with me about the number of years we’ve been married. He always thinks it’s less than the actual number. Which I think is better than him feeling like it’s been much much much longer.

We celebrated 11 years married and this year marks 17 together (also the other reason I’m feeling real old). We will have been together more than half my life this year, which is a nutty statistic and yet such an awesome one. It’s amazing to think how much we’ve both changed – we’ve grown up together. We’ve watched each other go from nerdy (ok, just me) teenagers, to college coeds, to young adults, graduate student, newly weds, homeowners, parents…and thankfully the list keeps growing.

The traditional 10 year anniversary gift is tin, but since we redid our pool last summer we decided the gift would be PebbleSheen. Which is not really romantic, however very enjoyable. We say “happy anniversary!” every time we slide our feet over the smooth surface of the pool.

Thankfully the traditional 11th anniversary gift is far more appropriate for us this year. As the contractors were bracing a new steel beam in our living room, I pointed and said “happy anniversary!”. Maybe 11 years is when most married couples go broke on a remodel so they made the gift steel. Makes sense to me.

Happy anniversary PW!



Dog Show

The lady that we normally ask to board the Mac Attack is gearing up for her first baby so was unavailable. I decided I would just keep life easy and board Mac at a fancy pants place near our house. We took Bear and Travis there a hundred years ago, but that was back when it was just a nicer place than the vet’s office. I learned while booking his “reservation” that things have changed a bit…

“Thank you for calling, how can I help you?”

“Hi, yes, I just need to board our dog for a few days?”

“Of course. I show we have a reservation available for your fur baby that weekend.”

“Huh. Fur baby. Interesting. Ok, what is the daily rate?”

“Well that depends on the room. What size room were you looking for?”

“Ummm, what are my options?”

“Well based on his size, I would not go smaller than a medium room. We also have a large room that is about two feet larger in each direction. And then we have a suite that has a bed in it and interior lighting. Then a junior suite that has a full size bed along with some other comforts of home. And lastly we have the large suite that has 24 hour access to a private yard along with the bed, bedding and other comforts of the smaller suites.”


“Are you still there??”

“Wow. Yes. Here. Ok. Well I think I’m probably looking at the medium room. Unless there’s a dorm option. Then he would prefer that.”

Dorm option?”

“Yes. Like if he could share a really tiny room with a dog he didn’t know but they would become fast friends because they’re sharing a small space. I think we’re in that category, he’s a social guy. But if that’s not an option, then I think we’ll go with medium.”

“Excellent. Then you’ll need to bring his food and feeding instructions. And you’re welcome to bring water as well.”

“Wait, you don’t give him water?”

“No, no. We do. But if you would prefer to bring water from home – so that he’s more comfortable – you’re welcome to.”

“Interesting. My preschooler isn’t even allowed to bring a water bottle to school….well, since Mac is just as happy to drink out of the toilet – any toilet – as a bowl, we’ll stick with whatever you have.”

“Great. Is there anything else I can book for you?”

“Yes, I’d like to have him groomed the day we pick him up.”

“Oh of course. We’ll be able to book that along with the social engagements you would like when you drop him off.”

“Super. We’ll talk then. I’ll make sure that I fully understand Mac’s expectations prior to then.”

“That’s usually the best plan. See you soon!”

“Gurl. As long as they’re cool with this? I’m down.”
